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Arthritis and Pain Relief qualities of emu oil is quickly gaining more credibility and popularity for its penetrating and healing properties. Testimonies of are coming from customers and professionals such as below -
All these have shown Emu Oil to be a great anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial. In the write up by Dr. Thom Leahey of the Arthritis Clinic in Ardmore, he discusses the arthritis benefit effects and the use of Emu Oil health products in his practice.
A short study has already produced some very positive results his study concluded, that the oil of emu may substantially reduce the pain caused by arthritis problems. The doctor took a random sampling of 20 volunteers for a dual test, placebo controlled study using emu oil and mineral oil as the placebo.
The only qualifying parameter was that the volunteer could not have ever used the oil before the test to make the results more effective. Volunteers also remained on the same arthritis medicine they were currently taking.
In the 2 week study, more than 7 of the 12 users reported a significant reduction in arthritic associated pain. "Good news for emu oil and good news for sufferers". Because of this he decided more study was need.
Only 1 of the 8 mineral oil users of placebo related the same results. Encouraged by these preliminary findings. Dr. Leahey felt that emu oil deserved a thorough and comprehensive clinical study that could be documented and published in scientific and trade journals.
Dr. Leahey later did a larger study on 500 participants over 3 months and the results were even better...emu oil had been proven to be a good treatment in the arthritis pain and the effects of arthritis...By using it, patients soon realized they didn't need as much medication. Also some found they didn't need there medication at all in there arthritic condition with the assistance of the oil.
In conclusion emu oil is becoming more renowned and famous and as you can see by this one study its being recognized by doctors as well, for its safe healing effects on arthritis.
For info on emu oil and arthritis or the benefits of emu oil go to http://www.emustore.com
Colon Cancer ChemotherapyI was recently asked by on of my clients: What words or phrase would I say to get rid of this swelling under my left eye? I notice it Sunday evening. It's very annoying. PLEASE Tell me exactly what I would say to get rid of this.
Remember the words themselves aren't magic. There are not exact right words. The words are only reminders to help us tune into the issue. It is possible for me to say, "This swelling, this swelling, this swelling," and be thinking about what I am making for dinner tonight.
The three basic approaches we can take to any physical issue. These approaches work for any physical issue, but I will use the swelling under the eye from the question as an example.
1) Tap on how you would describe what is going on under eye. There is nothing too complicated about this approach. Just pretend you are describing to a doctor over the phone what is going on. Give all the details you can. What does it look like? How does it feel? How long have your had it? So you would tap:
Under my eye is swelling
It looks red and swollen
It feels like there is puss or goo in the swollen spot
It wasn't there last night
But was here this morning
I shouldn't be there
2) Tap on what you image in going on inside of the eye. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Image what it looks like inside they swollen part. What color do you image it to be? Is it just one color or a number of colors? If you were going to make a model to show others what it feels like, what substance would you use to describe it? How much space does it take up? Is it something foreign in the eye or is part of your body that is sick or diseased? As you tune in this fashion tap. As I write this I have an ache in my shoulder right now and these are the phrase I would tap on:
The stiffness in my shoulder
That feels like thick molasses have been spread on muscles.
The whole area looks like it has blue and grey gunk filling it up
The stiffness is about five inches long and goes about one inch deep into the muscle
It is round like a rod
The very middle of the stiffness is the stiffest part
3) Tap on how you feel about the swelling. Often part of the healing of the physical body is the emotions we have about the sickness. Clean up any of the emotions you have about part that is bothering you. This way you are not spending in energy in worry and frustration so that the body can have all of the resources it needs to heal.
I don't like the way my eye looks
It disports my whole face
Everyone is going to ask me about it
I don't want to talk about it.
This is just one more way my body is breaking down as I am getting old
I am going to be self conscious about this all day
When you encounter a physical issue with your body you can use any (or all) of these approaches to speed the healing process.
Gene Monterastelli is an EFT practitioner based in Baltimore, MD who works with clients from all over the world. one-on-one by phone. He has authored over 100 articles on EFT. http://eftQandA.com
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