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As someone who has advocated colon cleansing for years and who has guided 1000s of people through their own colon cleansing process I was shocked to discover what I'm about to share with you here: the dangers of colon cleansers that are commonly available on the market.
One of the basic principles of colon cleansing is to stop consuming anything that might be toxic to your body. The idea is to improve your health, to feel better after you complete a cleanse. Of course, that's why most people choose to clean their colon.
And yet, would you believe that many colon cleansing products on the market contain ingredients that can make you sick?
In looking at the ingredient lists of over a little over 100 colon cleanse kits I discovered some things that anyone who wants to colon cleanse, and do it safely, needs to know.
Before I continue, you should know that these cleanse kits were not just the cheap ones from the local pharmacy. Yes, I included those. But I also looked at cleanses that cost as much as $199.
Here's a summary of what I found:
First, in total these colon cleanses contain:
18 ingredients with potential side effects, ranging from nausea to immune system disorders.
4 known allergy causing foods.
2 potent herbs used in potentially dangerous quantities.
Low quality herbs that may contain pesticides, herbicides, toxic heavy metals and GMOs.
Second, all of the following ingredients are in these cleanses:
Clay, sugar, chalk, shellac (made from insect eggs), alcohol, animal tissue, chemical drugs, chemical solvents, common sand, fish, milk, soybeans, wheat, wax, and believe it or not, traces of cyanide!
Third, some of these ingredients are also used in making:
Pet food, cat litter, putty, adhesives, diapers, plastics, blackboard chalk, shoe polish, surfboard wax, ammunition, explosives, and fire extinguishers.
If you are trying to clean your body with a colon cleanse, you don't want any of that stuff in your system.
So much for those cleanses claiming to be natural.
These are the specific ingredients found in cleanses that you should avoid:
Apple pectin
Bentonite clay
Calcium carbonate
Carnauba wax
Dicalcium phosphate
Food glaze
High amalyse corn starch
Magnesium stearate
Natural Flavors
Polyethylene glycol
Potassium carbonate
Silicon dioxide
Titanium dioxide
Xantham gum
Also, avoid herbal cleanses have potentially unsafe ingredients including:
Cheaply grown herbs that contain herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals and fumigants
Irradiated herbs, since these have lost most of their medicinal qualities
Herbs powders from the entire plant instead of only the medicinal part.
High quantities of senna, a very potent herb which causes peristalsis (bowel motion)
In my opinion, the best ways to avoid the dangers of colon cleansers are to learn how to cleanse through diet and how to make your own homemade colon cleanses with ingredients that you can trust.
Mark Ament is an expert on colon cleansing and raw foods nutrition. He is the author of
"Homemade Colon Cleansing Made Easy" and 3 other books on natural health. Discover how to make your own safe homemade colon cleanse using Mark's proven colon cleanse recipes at: http://www.safecoloncleanse.com
Colon Cancer ScreeningThe vital functions of digestion and assimilation of food take place in the stomach. In addition, this vital organ also prepares the food in such a way that it is passed into the intestinal tract in a form which is easily absorbed.
Enzymes and gastric acids also break down the food particles, and strong muscles grind the food to ensure proper mixing of all the food particles. Food stays in the stomach, which could also be described as a holding bay, and then this food is passed on to the intestinal tract only when it is ready to be absorbed by the intestines.
Physical Symptoms Of stomach Aches
There are different kinds of physical symptoms that are associated with stomach or abdominal pain. Among the many symptoms induced by disorders in the stomach include the presence of sharp and jabbing pain that feels like a slicing, knife-inflicted pain, the occurrence of a burning sensation, or a cramping and rigidity of the muscles of the stomach.
Other symptoms may also include a persistent ache that comes along with abdominal fullness, stomach disorders also induce belching, nausea and loss of appetite for the duration of the disorder.
Gastritis is also a type of stomach disorder, and this condition is marked by the presence of aching and swelling along the internal lining of the stomach. Constant abdominal irritation, the existence of an ulcer, and the effects of food poisoning or indigestion are the basic physical causes for other types of stomach pain. The acidity of the stomach can be heightened by the consumption of different substances, which may irritate the lining along the stomach, and these include beverages such as coffee, drinks containing alcohol and the smoking.
Natural, Herbal Treatments For Stomach Pain
Persistent abdominal pain or cramping can be eased or soothed through the supplemental use of herbal solutions consisting of fennel and peppermint teas. These herbs can be mixed together in water and steeped for around twenty to thirty minutes. The solution can be strained and cooled down, and this tea can be taken daily to ease the symptoms of stomach cramps and pain.
Alternately, taking a single teaspoon of the essential oils of each of these herbs along fluids can also help in treating stomach disorders. Fennel can be used to soothe soreness in the stomach. Peppermint herb is also an effective analgesic in the treatment of stomach pain.
Herbal teas made from chamomile and slippery elm herbs also effectively help in soothing the swollen mucous membranes in the stomach lining. Prepare the herbal teas by using a teaspoon of each of the herbs in a cup of hot water and drink this tea thrice every day. The body's circulation system is relaxed and warmed up by drinking a gentian root herbal tea on a daily basis.
Drinking herbal teas made from lemon balm, peppermint, St. John's wort, valerian herb, chamomile or rue can help calm down edgy nerves and help in healing damaged nerves.
Topical herbal solutions are also recommended for people suffering from abdominal pain, and taking a relaxing bath with water mixed with five drops of herbal rosemary oil to a full tub is suggested for patients. The abdominal area can be massaged using diluted arnica oil as a treatment against stomach cramps. The soothing effect of herbal juices taken from the whole-leaf of the aloe vera herb can also be helpful for stomach aches and abdominal pain induced by the presence of peptic ulcers in the stomach.
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Stage 3 Colon Cancer